The most difficult part of this assignment was the fact that I had to organizing the information for people who have not read the Mintel report that we were provided. It's a bit easier for me to see the data because I have already read it in a report. My goal was to make it as visual as possible so that people will grasp the main points without reading a full report. In creating this visual, I hope to attain the goals of visual data of telling a story that engages people and enables them to easily understand the data.
Mintel report by Bethany Wall, Food Service Analyst
Hi Jasia - I think you've made a very good effort on this. I'm not sure the proportions are always clear on the visuals you've chosen, but it's a great first attempt at trying all of this. Also, I think it would have been more intuitive to have aligned your legend with your bar chart so that they are in the same order, but it's a good visual tool there. Thank you for the really good effort on this.